Eucharistic Revival in the Parish

  • Jesus and the Eucharist: A Small Group Series for Eucharistic Revival

    7 items

    During this time of Eucharistic Revival, Jesus is inviting us to encounter him in our life stories. Together, we’ll explore the story of salvation as told through Scripture, fulfilled in the death and resurrection of Jesus, and lived out in the Church and the Sacraments—especially the Eucharist. ...

  • The Rescue Project
    Movie + 1 extra

    The Rescue Project

    Movie + 1 extra

    We believe a key in reigniting our love for Our Lord Jesus in the Eucharist is reacquiring a biblical worldview. That can only happen when we immerse ourselves in the Gospel… and that is why The Rescue Project is here!

    We passionately believe that the most urgent task is the compelling proclamat...

  • Jesús y la Eucaristía: Estudio de grupos pequeños

    7 items

    Durante este tiempo de Avivamiento Eucarístico, Jesús nos invita a encontrarlo en nuestras historias de vida. Juntos, exploraremos la historia de la salvación contada a través de las Escrituras, cumplida en la muerte y resurrección de Jesús y vivida en la Iglesia y los Sacramentos, especialmente ...

  • FORMED Now! The Meaning of the Priesthood Today

    Recorded Live on April 21, 2020.

  • FORMED Now! The Feast of Corpus Christi

    Join Dr. Tim Gray and Dr. Ben Akers for a conversation on the centrality of the Eucharist in our lives and the great Feast of Corpus Christi.

  • True Worship by Fr. Mike Schmitz

    Father Michael Schmitz, the director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Diocese of Duluth as well as the Chaplain for the Newman Center at the University of Minnesota-Duluth, inspires and educates in this Lighthouse Talk about the highest form of worship—the Mass. His Newman Center focuses...

  • What does 'sacrifice' really mean?

    Sacrifice is a thread present in many religions. Sacrifice is even present in Christianity. But what makes Christianity different is that instead of man sacrificing for God, God sacrifices himself for mankind. Jesus has given the ultimate sacrifice through his death and resurrection. And this sac...

  • FORMED Now! The Road to Emmaus

    Join Dr. Tim Gray and Dr. Ben Akers as they discuss the Road to Emmaus.

  • Episode 1: Source and Summit (Part 2)

    Why does the Church call the Eucharist the "source and summit of the Christian life?" Dr. Brant Pitre introduces us to the Sacrament of the Eucharist and explores its various names—and how those names give insight into its meaning.

  • Real + True Eucharistic Revival

    8 items

    The Catechism is not a textbook, a collection of ideas, or a set of rules. It is the faithful echo of a God who wishes to reveal himself to us and desires us to respond. Real + True publishes innovative content to present the Catechism of the Catholic Church as a living voice for the modern world.

  • "This is my body given for you"

    6 items