Real + True Eucharistic Revival

Real + True Eucharistic Revival

5 Seasons

Real + True Eucharistic Revival
  • Who is worthy to receive the Eucharist?

    Episode 1

    Jesus gives us Himself in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. This is such a special, unique, and life-changing gift. But it might make you wonder… Am I worthy to receive the Eucharist? In one sense, we’ll never be perfect, only Jesus is. But we can’t wait until we are perfectly worthy to receive the...

  • Is Jesus really present in the Eucharist?

    Episode 2

    If you believe God exists, the next question might be… where? God is present to us in many ways through creation, in our hearts through Baptism, and in the Word of God. There’s a very special way that God draws near to us in the Eucharist. The Catechism tells us that Jesus’ Eucharist presence is ...

  • How God is with us in the Eucharist

    Episode 3

    One of the biggest questions we ask is, “Is God really with us?” Foreshadowed in the Old Testament, and established to bring us close to him, the Eucharist is God’s greatest gift to us. The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life. If we’re wondering where God is, if we’re feeling...

  • How the Eucharist is "food for the journey"

    Episode 4

    On the battlefield, on exciting adventures, and on long journeys, how we are sustained matters. But what about on the journey and adventure of life? How are we sustained in a “super-abundant way”? God has something life-changing in mind: the Eucharist.

    Learn more about the Eucharist at realtrue...