Beautiful Light Mystagogy Series
This Easter Season you are invited to enter into captivating truth, inspiring goodness, and breathtaking beauty as we take a deep dive into the Sacred Mysteries of the Mass.
Beautiful Light: A Paschal Mystagogy is your entry point into one of the most ancient and fruitful traditions of the Church—a catechesis on the sacred mysteries of our Faith, focusing on our Liturgical Life—called Mystagogy. The early Church knew how essential it was to foster the faith of newly initiated Christians, and the period of mystagogy became a time-tested and true pathway to life-long discipleship.
Whether you are a cradle Catholic or have just entered the Church this Easter, Beautiful Light is for you! Join Sr. Alicia and Tanner Kalina for this 7-Part series to unpack everything that is true, good and beautiful about the Mass. Each week, we'll hear from a different bishop as he helps us see with the eyes of Faith what is really happening at Mass, and answers the questions that are pressing on our hearts!
Beautiful Light, Ep. 1: Offertory
We've heard the Gospel and professed our Faith. Now the Offertory begins. As the priest prays over the bread and wine, we, too, can spiritually unite our own offerings to the total self-gift that Jesus offers to the Father. Find out how in this inaugural episode!
Archbishop Charles Thompson of t...
Beautiful Light, Ep. 2: Praise and Thanksgiving
Right after the Offertory, we enter into the Eucharistic Prayer with the Preface. Evoking our awareness of entering into true heavenly worship, this prayer reminds us that we are united to the entire Mystical Body of Christ as we offer praise and thanksgiving to God.
Bishop Robert Brennan of the...
Beautiful Light, Ep. 3: Called to Holiness
The Holy Spirit is the Sanctifier. As we draw near to the great miracle of the consecration, the priest prays the epiclesis prayer, calling down the Holy Spirit upon the bread and wine to be consecrated. Will you open your own heart to the sanctifying power of God's Spirit, too?
Bishop Gregory ...
Beautiful Light, Ep. 4: Jesus, Lord and Lover of Souls
The priest utters the words of Jesus, and bread and wine are transformed into the very body and blood, soul and divinity of our Savior. Discover why the miracle of transubstantiation leads us into the depths of Jesus' love for us.
Bishop Andrew Cozzens of the Diocese of Crookston (who is also le...
Beautiful Light, Ep. 5: Paschal Mystery
In a real yet mysterious way we re-live the Paschal Mystery--what Jesus did to save us--at every Mass. The word that best captures how this is possible is the Greek word anamnesis, which can be translated 'calling to mind'. But it is not just about remembering, but rather a sacred remembering tha...
Beautiful Light, Ep. 6: Body of Christ
At every Mass, the entire Mystical Body of Christ is present--those in heaven, on earth and in purgatory. In the sacred moments following the consecration, very special prayers of intercession are offered on behalf of all the members of the Church, including the people in the pews!
Beautiful Light, Ep. 7: The Joy of Trinitarian Adoration
As the Eucharistic Prayer concludes, the consecrated Host and Chalice are elevated by the priest-celebrant as he proclaims praise for our Triune God. Then the assembly offers their assent with the 'Great Amen,' as we spiritually unite with all of Heaven not only praising the Blessed Trinity, but ...