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Beautiful Light, Ep. 2: Praise and Thanksgiving

Beautiful Light Mystagogy Series

Up Next in Beautiful Light Mystagogy Series

  • Beautiful Light, Ep. 3: Called to Hol...

    The Holy Spirit is the Sanctifier. As we draw near to the great miracle of the consecration, the priest prays the epiclesis prayer, calling down the Holy Spirit upon the bread and wine to be consecrated. Will you open your own heart to the sanctifying power of God's Spirit, too?

    Bishop Gregory ...

  • Beautiful Light, Ep. 4: Jesus, Lord a...

    The priest utters the words of Jesus, and bread and wine are transformed into the very body and blood, soul and divinity of our Savior. Discover why the miracle of transubstantiation leads us into the depths of Jesus' love for us.

    Bishop Andrew Cozzens of the Diocese of Crookston (who is also le...

  • Beautiful Light, Ep. 5: Paschal Mystery

    In a real yet mysterious way we re-live the Paschal Mystery--what Jesus did to save us--at every Mass. The word that best captures how this is possible is the Greek word anamnesis, which can be translated 'calling to mind'. But it is not just about remembering, but rather a sacred remembering tha...